We treat you like a family member, not a case number.
The worst time not to feel cared for is when you need to feel cared for – especially during a stressful time like a surgical procedure. At Everest, care is what we provide, from our surgeons, to our nurses, to our receptionists. We listen to you, never make you feel rushed, and never make you wait until you can’t wait another second.
It’s all part of how we care for you.

There are a lot of hassles you
just don’t have to deal with
at Everest.
When you come to Everest you eliminate a lot of the frustration and inconveniences you might run into elsewhere. For instance:
No getting bumped because your room and your time are the most important.
No long wait times to schedule a procedure.
Faster surgery that gets you in and out in as little as 2-3 hours.
A smaller, more intimate space with surgeons on the premises.
Even our location is convenient, off Eagle Rd and I-84 across from St. Luke’s Meridian.

When comparing prices, there really is no comparison.
How much will it cost?
It’s usually the next biggest worry aside from the surgery itself. At Everest, we’re more affordable, case closed.
Why? Because our fees aren’t dictated to us, we set them ourselves. Oftentimes, we charge 1/3 the price of what a larger hospital might charge.
Now add in financing options, like CareCredit, and you’re looking at substantial savings.
You’re no longer priced out of surgery.
Studies have shown that bariatric surgery is the best cure for obesity, and yet many insurance companies don’t cover the procedure.
Everest Surgical Institute is committed to making bariatric surgery available to more people who need it with affordable self pay rates.
$14,500 covers all testing and evaluation, all surgical costs, and all follow up visits for six months.
Don’t live in Idaho? No problem. We’ll put you up in a local hotel and stay connected with telemedicine appointments. Good health is priceless. Let us make it possible.